Best Feng Shui Crystals To Create Positive Energy in Your Home

Have you ever wondered how crystals can make your home feel more peaceful and inviting? Crystals are an easy way to add style, positive energy, and extra feng shui elements.
Feng Shui is the ancient Chinese practice of balancing the energy in your space for better health, luck, love, happiness, or whatever you may need. Feng means wind, and Shui means water.
So feng shui means "giving things free movement." For example, if someone lives in a house where they go to bed by watching TV, there will be no energy flow, and they won't get a good rest at night.
Feng shui crystals are an excellent addition to feng shui decor. If the feng shui energies in your home or office have been stagnant, feng shui crystals can help redistribute these feng shui energies throughout your space.
Feng shui crystals placement
The color of feng shui crystals that you choose is very important. You want to balance any feng shui energy that may be out of alignment in your home or office.
Red feng shui crystals
It will promote physical and emotional well-being if placed by a person's bedside. Here, they will encourage a stable flow of qi through the body while a person rests, promoting a restful night's sleep.
Yellow feng shui Crystals
You can place it in kitchens to promote a feng shui energy that enhances the creative process. You can also place Feng shui crystals in any room where you would like to improve your focus, especially if this is an area where you spend a great deal of time, such as a home office or craft room.
Blue feng shui crystal
They are suitable for feng shui energy that promotes peace and tranquility. They are most often used with feng shui element Water fountains or feng-shui element water features. They are also ideal for meditation rooms.
Purple feng shui crystals
These provide a balance between work and life, helping to promote mental clarity, emotional stability, and calmness throughout the day. They are most often used in feng shui element office spaces.
Green feng shui crystals
They are ideal for feng shui that brings feng shui energy promoting abundance, success, and growth. They are most often used with feng-shui element Wood fountains or feng-shui element water features to create a platform for these positive energies to grow on.
Black feng shui crystals
They can be placed in any room where you wish to protect against negative feng shui energy. Black feng shui crystals are the most powerful of all feng shui crystals because they absorb all forms of negative energy into their crystalline structure, transforming bad luck into good fortune.
White Feng Shui Crystals
These are used to feng shui energy that brings feng shui luck, happiness, and good fortune. They are often used in feng shui element fountains or feng-shui element water features as a centerpiece for Wealth fountains.
Clear feng shui crystal
These promote feng shui energy that enhances the environment, bringing positive energies into your home or office. They can be placed anywhere where you wish to improve feng shui energies from their natural state.
Turquoise Feng Shui Crystals
These promote healthy relationships and friendships throughout a person's life. They encourage a balance of group dynamics, so they should be placed by doorways if this is an area where you need to strengthen your connections with others.
Rose feng shui crystals
These are used to feng shui energy that brings feng shui love, passion, romance, and fidelity. They are ideal for feng shui element Wood fountains or feng-shui element water features in the Southwest area of a home or office.
How to use crystals in feng shui?
Feng Shui Crystals absorb negative energy then release vibrational frequency that is beneficial for humans. This is how crystals bring balance to your home.
Here are a few crystal ideas for how you can use them in your feng shui:
- Put quartz or amethyst near the main door or foyer of your house. This will absorb negative energy before it enters your house and release a calming vibration throughout your home.
- Keep rose quartz under the sink to keep water fresh, clean, and clear. Also, put rose quartz on each side of the stove if you do a lot of cooking over an open flame to absorb energy from gas fumes that aren't doing you any good!
- Hang malachite over windows to help protect against electromagnetic smog from electronics such as computers, TVs, microwaves, and other appliances.
- If you have a fish tank, put a piece of howlite or selenite in the water to absorb negative energy from the fish that's floating around your home and release positive energy for them!
- Put hematite on top of your fireplace to prevent any fire from flipping upside down and absorb negative energy from burning wood soot. These are just a few ideas to get started. Remember, there is no right or wrong way to use crystals in feng shui; it's whatever feels good for you!
Final Words
How to use crystals in feng shui is an art that requires a bit of mastery on the topic. However, if you know the use and feng shui crystal’s placement in your home or workspace, the vibrating power of the crystals can bring significant change in your life.
Follow the tips and instructions in this article and let feng shui crystals trasmute the energy to revitalize your home and workspace corners.