Chakra Crystals Set, Round Reiki 7 Chakra Stones Set, Wooden Grid Plate, Selenite Log
Chakra Crystals Set, Round Reiki 7 Chakra Stones Set, Wooden Grid Plate, Selenite Log
Chakra Crystals Set, Round Reiki 7 Chakra Stones Set, Wooden Grid Plate, Selenite Log
Chakra Crystals Set, Round Reiki 7 Chakra Stones Set, Wooden Grid Plate, Selenite Log
Chakra Crystals Set, Round Reiki 7 Chakra Stones Set, Wooden Grid Plate, Selenite Log
Chakra Crystals Set, Round Reiki 7 Chakra Stones Set, Wooden Grid Plate, Selenite Log
Chakra Crystals Set, Round Reiki 7 Chakra Stones Set, Wooden Grid Plate, Selenite Log
Chakra Crystals Set, Round Reiki 7 Chakra Stones Set, Wooden Grid Plate, Selenite Log
Chakra Crystals Set, Round Reiki 7 Chakra Stones Set, Wooden Grid Plate, Selenite Log
Chakra Crystals Set, Round Reiki 7 Chakra Stones Set, Wooden Grid Plate, Selenite Log
Chakra Crystals Set, Round Reiki 7 Chakra Stones Set, Wooden Grid Plate, Selenite Log

🤍Gorgeous High Quality 7 Chakras Engraved Stones Sets🤍

  • Size of Stones : 30-40mm
  • Stones Shape : Round
  • Box : Wooden
  • Grid Plate Size : 6" Wooden.
  • Grid Plate Designs : Metatron, Yoga.
  • Gemstones : Red Jasper(Root),Orange Aventurine (Sacral),Yellow Aventurine(Solar Plexus),Green Aventurine(Heart),Lapis Lazuli(Throat),Amethyst(Third Eye),Sodalite(Throat).

  • SET 1 : 7 Round Reiki Stones
  • SET 2 : 7 Round Reiki Stones, Wooden Box.

💎Choose Grid Board from dropdown to create a powerful crystal grid or display💎

💖Chakras are believed to be energy centers within the body, and there are seven main chakras that correspond to different aspects of our physical, emotional, and spiritual well-being💖

Chakra Crystals Set, Round Reiki 7 Chakra Stones Set, Wooden Grid Plate, Selenite Log

To choose the right crystal, follow these steps:

  • Intention: Determine your purpose (e.g., healing,
    meditation, energy) for using the crystal.
  • Research: Learn about crystals' properties and meanings to match
    your intention.
  • Intuition: Trust your gut feeling when a crystal resonates
    with you.
  • Appearance: Choose a crystal with vibrant color, clarity,
    and minimal flaws.
  • Cleansing: Ensure the crystal's energy is clear through
    cleansing methods.
  • Experiment: Test the crystal's effects and adapt based on
    your experience.

Use collapsible tabs for more detailed information that will help customers make a purchasing decision.

Ex: Shipping and return policies, size guides, and other common questions.

While crystals are cherished for their potential metaphysical properties, it's important to remember that they should not replace medical treatment. crystals can complement holistic well-being practices, but they aren't substitutes for professional medical care. Always prioritize evidence-based medical treatments, and consult with healthcare experts for serious health concerns. Think of crystals as a supplementary tool to support your overall wellness journey, in harmony with conventional medical

Caring for your newly acquired crystals involves a few simple steps. To cleanse them, consider methods like smudging with sage or palo santo, rinsing them under gentle running water, or placing them in moonlight overnight. Choose a method that resonates with you. Regularly energize your crystals by exposing them to sunlight or moonlight, or by placing them on a larger crystal cluster. Remember that intention matters – visualize your crystals being cleared and charged. Handle your crystals with care, keep them in a safe place, and cleanse them whenever their energy feels heavy or less vibrant

Chakra Crystals Set, Round Reiki 7 Chakra Stones Set, Wooden Grid Plate, Selenite Log

Regular price
Rs. 2,638.80 Rs. 2,199.00
17% OFF
Tax included. Shipping calculated at checkout.
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Choose Crystal Grid Plate

In Stock,ready to be shipped

100% Customer Satisfaction

We are proud to say that we have happy and loyal clients throughout our crystal journey and are confident that you will be too. Our aim is to provide premium quality crystals from the country of origin.

To choose the right crystal, follow these steps:

  • Intention: Determine your purpose (e.g., healing,
    meditation, energy) for using the crystal.
  • Research: Learn about crystals' properties and meanings to match
    your intention.
  • Intuition: Trust your gut feeling when a crystal resonates
    with you.
  • Appearance: Choose a crystal with vibrant color, clarity,
    and minimal flaws.
  • Cleansing: Ensure the crystal's energy is clear through
    cleansing methods.
  • Experiment: Test the crystal's effects and adapt based on
    your experience.

Use collapsible tabs for more detailed information that will help customers make a purchasing decision.

Ex: Shipping and return policies, size guides, and other common questions.

While crystals are cherished for their potential metaphysical properties, it's important to remember that they should not replace medical treatment. crystals can complement holistic well-being practices, but they aren't substitutes for professional medical care. Always prioritize evidence-based medical treatments, and consult with healthcare experts for serious health concerns. Think of crystals as a supplementary tool to support your overall wellness journey, in harmony with conventional medical

Caring for your newly acquired crystals involves a few simple steps. To cleanse them, consider methods like smudging with sage or palo santo, rinsing them under gentle running water, or placing them in moonlight overnight. Choose a method that resonates with you. Regularly energize your crystals by exposing them to sunlight or moonlight, or by placing them on a larger crystal cluster. Remember that intention matters – visualize your crystals being cleared and charged. Handle your crystals with care, keep them in a safe place, and cleanse them whenever their energy feels heavy or less vibrant

Customer Reviews

Based on 4 reviews

4 stars review from Lesley


4 stars review from Lesley


Everything was packaged very well! Absolutely love it!


Everything was packaged very well! Absolutely love it!